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Jewelry Cleaners Give New Life To Precious Pieces

Jewelry is precious and needs to be handled with care. Read more about the specialty jewelry cleaners who are professionally trained to clean gemstones like pearls, opals, amber and other gems.

Liquid Solutions

These solutions are general cleaners that work for most pieces Authentic Tiffany return to tiffany heart lock charm online shop , except for the porous and enhanced stones. The combination of ammonia, soap and water make for safe jewelry cleaners, especially for gold and diamonds. Allowing the pieces to soak for at least 20 minutes and then scrubbing in the nooks and crannies of the setting gets the dirt and grime accumulation out.

Cleaning Equipment

There are also machines that were once only available to the jewelry stores. Now Fashion Tiffany notes letter a round pendant best sale , smaller machines have been adapted for at-home cleaning. Ultrasonic jewelry cleaners work hard by agitating the pieces in a solution of warm/hot soapy water. It is important to check the setting for weak spots that might be compromised during the aggressive agitation.

Jewelry steam cleaners have also been adapted for the home. This machine sends a blast of steam from a fine nozzle knocking away the lotion Tiffany & Co return to tiffany silver bead bracelet silver on sale , oils and other grime. A hit of steam from different angles eliminates the need for scrubbing. Do not use this with heat-treated or stones that are weakened by inclusions.

A sudden temperature change could cause cracks and other damage to the piece. Also be careful not to burn the fingers or hands when using it. Hold the piece with tongs for optimal safety.

Polishing Cloths

This is a basic cleaning tool that is good for all kinds of jewelry. For precious pieces like opals and pearls, a plain polishing cloth is sufficient to get rid of the fingerprints and oils that dull the finish.

It is also a great jewelry cleaner for gold. A quick buff with the cloth gives back some of the new gold shine. (To really get that shine back, take it to a jeweler for a professional buffing to get rid of the scratches.) Some jewelry cleaners are cloths that are pre-treated with a cleaning solution for basic care or for specialized care. The polishing cloth is a great solution for a quick touch-up.

Specialized Cleaners

Pearls Tiffany and Co tennis racket charm and chain Excellent for sale , opals Fashion Tiffany and Co cross pendant Excellent for sale , amber and other soft delicate gemstones require careful cleaning. Typically the use of a lightly moistened cloth is sufficient, but there are also specialty cleaners designed just for the needs of these gemstones. Sterling silver is another piece of jewelry that requires special silver jewelry cleaners.

Copper makes up about 7% of sterling silver pieces and it is the culprit that causes the ugly black tarnishing. Special wipes make for a quick clean up and there are also creams, liquids and pastes to choose from. It is really a matter of time and the severity of the tarnishing that dictates the best method. Regular cleaning helps prevent pieces from becoming irreparably tarnished.

Whatever method is used, it is important to know what is appropriate for each piece of jewelry. If there is any doubt about jewelry cleaners and which one to use, ask a jeweler or simply have it professionally done to be on the safe side. Clean jewelry is almost like getting a brand new piece. It is amazing the difference a little care can make in the sparkle and shine of gold, silver and gemstones.

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