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Stauer Jewelry and Watches - a Review

The Stauer company seems to have its roots firmly grounded in their love for vintage watch collections and jewelry. With an extensive experience recreating long time favorites from the golden era of watch design. Although they claim to be genuine old-time watches and jewelry lovers, their loyalty seems to lie on making what they call replicas affordable to the general public, but their taste might be questionable. Or so I thought as I looked through their website.

Stauer seems to use a lot of the old media to get to the heart of their customers cure being more successful , magazines and catalogs are their main sources of marketing and they don't look like they enjoy investing on anything else, since their website seems a bit old fashioned and quite simple. One of the products they've been known for is the Dashtronic watches for men based on the 30's style they may perhaps include chance , when the principles of aerodynamics and streamlining filled everything electronic in an age so many technological items were just mere dreams or impossible visions. Their work do resemble a time of innocence in America and can appeal to the nostalgic hearts still clinging on to their memories or to whatever that time reminds them.

Their jewelry seems to be quite popular. Maybe because their lab-created stones can look and feel like the original thing, keeping the customer from leaving without having to turn in their life-long savings in order to get a ring or a simple necklace. But the somewhat tacky style of their pieces may not appeal to a younger generation, who might even stay away from their store just by hearing their name they might have threat within , for their reputation is vastly well-known.

What I like the most about their jewelry items is exactly the fact they do not use real stones and gems in most of their products. The high demand for real diamonds and many other rocks have turned Africa into a continent under a huge political and social cross fire all because of those preciousnesses and the profit they can generate. For such reason, many possible buyers would rather support a business that produces their own rocks than to spend millions with a real diamond that might have been taken from a conflict zone. That should count as a point in their favor.

Their DiamondAura River of Love Necklace that comes with free earrings is the most popular piece in the feminine inventory, but their dowdy Ruby sets can be somewhat disastrous and keep hanging on their page forever, trying to find the courageous woman who would take it home. Pink stained lab-created gems and over the top yellow jewelry pieces can catch your eye, but they do not kidnap your ulterior motive. For obvious reasons!

They also have an extensive list of shop handbags, luggage and other leather goods. Their style might appeal to the type of women that is on the conservative side but have a tender side for the exuberant. Their wallets and handbags do not take on too much risk they may perhaps include chance , keeping it classic and clean: the exact opposite of what they have in their jewelry section.

If you're looking for turn of the century (not this one but the one before) luxury items, look for their luxury collection! You'll find some pieces that might belong to a history museum. The best about it all is that you can actually have them in your home for reasonable prices cure being more successful , since they do not belong in a painting from a historical monument.

In their website you can request their catalog so you can check for yourself if I'm right or wrong about their style and prices. They actually do a great job with those records, making it hard for you not to think twice before putting the catalog down after a few browses through their well finished pages, filled with a type of charm you don't see quite often anymore. In the end it makes you think about what they say about their vintage style and their efforts for keeping their material closer to an era that could no longer reign. It's hard to keep something simple being such a driving force in a world where nothing is too hard to find or too precious to believe in anymore.

At least in the 30's they had their watches to check on the hours and how close they were to their brighter future.

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